I don’t use Proofgrade for every project, I tend to save it for the special gifts and those that I need a finished and polished look. My main wood supply is non-proofgrade 3mm (1/8″) Baltic Birch Plywood from a local supplier or from Woodpeckers on Amazon, 3mm (1/8″) Basswood from Amazon, and 4mm (5/32″) Columbia Forest Products Maple Plywood from Home Depot. I like to add color to my projects, whether that be wood stain, acrylic paint, or colored with alcohol ink markers, therefore I need wood that’s unfinished and can accept the color into the wood grain. I love a beautiful grain!
Using unfinished wood in any model of a
I don’t mask my wood and instead opt to clean the char, or laser residue off after the cut / engrave is done. Masking, or covering the wood with wide pieces of masking tape on one or both sides, is essentially what
I also never sand… It’s messy and time consuming, I need a quick and easy approach that will get the majority of the burn marks off.
Now I’ve been a
DIY Remedies to Clean Off Laser Residue
White Vinegar
Results: White Vinegar cleaned the char off completely without any ghosting leftover. Did smell a bit. Allow to dry in a vented area. Also cleaned the burnt sides the best.
Simple Green
Results: Simple Green removed most but not all residue, left ghosting. Allow to dry in a vented area.
Tap Water
Results: Surprisingly, water alone removed most of the residue, but there was minimal amount of discoloration. However, water opens up the grain and leaves it susceptible to warping. Use sparingly and let dry thoroughly.
70-90% Isopropyl Alcohol
Results: Alcohol & Alcohol wipes removed most but not all of the residue, left ghosting. We used to do this exclusively. Currently second to White Vinegar.
Runner Up!
Mr Clean Eraser
Results: Surprisingly, Cleaned most of the char off. Annoyingly left a lot of white little pill pieces of eraser material to clean up. Also expensive for how much cleaner you get.
LA Awesome
Results: coming soon!
Winners for Best Removal of Laser Residue
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I’m Sarah!
Creator & Maker of all the fun projects!
I’m an ‘LOCD’ Laser Obsessed Craft Designer. My mission is to show you how fun & profitable owning a laser can be!
That beam of light changed my life! My products are carried in 300+ Stores, I sell at local craft shows, and more.