Step 1
Get the Design File
Go to the Glowforge Design Catalog to Download the Candy Hearts Shaker Box Card svg file.
Step 2
Adjust Cut File Settings
Select Material: Medium Basswood Plywood works with my preferred Baltic Birch mentioned in the above Materials list. Test yours if not using the same.
This project works well with Basswood, Baltic Birch, Proofgrade Draftboard, all will hold paint nicely. Proofgrade Acrylic saves painting!
Step 3
Load Material & Cut Layers
Load 1/8″ chosen Material
Cut all layers. Set Aside.
Reference image with piece identification letters for paint and assembly steps.
Step 4
Paint Layers
Using paint pens, easiest, or acrylic paint, paint each piece according to sample picture. Allow to dry at least 30 min. Before gluing. I used alcohol ink markers on the small candy hearts for a muted more natural wood effect. You can also use two tone pastel acrylic that engraves red for a more true to life representation of the candy hearts.
Color WHITE areas:
Color/Paint the white on piece B only where it will show, the outside border and border around the innermost heart.
Color/Paint piece E, ‘Sweetheart’ word, completely white on top. If you want a more polished look, color the sides of the word that will be visible.
Color RED & PINK areas:
Color/Paint the red on piece F and both pieces of H, being careful not to glob a lot of paint on the ‘you are a’ or the ‘LOVE’ words. The scored Sweetheart is to help with placement in glue up, it’s okay if it gets covered some with paint.
Color/Paint piece G, completely pink on top. It’s okay if the scored placement lines get partially covered.
Allow to dry to the touch before gluing pieces on top of it.
Color Candy Hearts:
Color/Paint the small candy hearts that will go inside the card. If you want to see the woodgrain, use Alcohol markers or similar Water-Based marker in a light color.
If you’d like them to be solid and opaque, use an acrylic paint marker. Take care if using paint pens not to glob the paint in the engraved text.
If you’d prefer not to color anything, then just cut these hearts from a pastel two tone acrylic and it’ll look just like the actual candy.
Step 5
Glue & Assemble Layers
GLUE: I’ve gone through soooo many adhesives in all my crafting years – good, bad, and the ugly. For an intricate pieces like this, you want a high-strength adhesive that will dry crystal clear and not take too much fuss in applying it. So far, the best adhesive I’ve used is Devcon Home Weldit High Strength All Purpose Adhesive. It gives you 5min of working time, then sets up within a couple hours, curing fully overnight. Oh and did I mention it’s Crystal clear?!! Yes, it’s my go-to adhesive for wood to wood fine-detail projects.
Build the Base:
Find the four C pieces, two long and two short. These are your spacers that will allow enough room for the hearts to fit inside and slide around, without turning over and getting stuck. Glue the two Long C pieces to the Right and Left side of piece A.
Glue the two Short C pieces to the Top and Bottom of piece A. Be careful in your alignment, making sure there’s no gap between the spacers.
Take your time with the glue, only use a fine line on each underside of the spacer piece, we don’t want any squeeze-out in the area the hearts will be.
Build the Top:
Using the scored outlines on piece B for alignment, glue piece F and piece G on to piece B. Allow the glue to set-up before continuing to the next layer. Different glues will have different recommended set-up times where the glue is still vulnerable to shifting.
After layer B, F, G are set-up, you can now glue on pieces E, Sweetheart to the top of piece F, and both pieces for H on to piece G.
Allow to set-up completely before gluing to the Base.
Glue on the Clear Window:
Using a piece of clear acetate sheet, or part of a crystal clear cellophane treat bag, cut out a square large enough to cover the entire heart opening with a healthy margin on the top and bottom for glue.
Glue the window piece on the back of the top piece B, being careful not to have squeeze-out onto the window. Allow to set-up.
Place the small candy hearts inside of the Base inset area created by the spacers on piece A. Make sure the candy hearts are facing how you want them.
Put thin beads of glue on top of the spacers on piece A.
Making sure you remembered to put the candy hearts inside and the clear window is in place, you’re ready to push down on the Top piece on to the bottom Base piece. Mind the alignment, straighten it as needed while the glue is still workable.
Glue the completed card top piece to the bottom card, be careful to only put glue on the spacer pieces, take care not to get glue inside the shaker area. Allow to dry completely.
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I’m Sarah!
Creator & Maker of all the fun projects!
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